Monday, May 3, 2010

I find I have a hot and cold relationship with discipline.

During the past several years I’ve started several blogs.  I find it very difficult to blog consistently.  It seems like there is always something more important to do.  After a few weeks go by, I feel guilty and lazy about not blogging.  And the remorse takes its toll over time.  I begin to feel bad about myself.  Do I have discipline issues?
But then I take note of the fact that this June I’ll be married 20 years.  Marriage is a disciplined practice.

A year after my youngest daughter was born I went on a Weight Watchers regimen.  I wrote lists of every morsel of food that passed my lips.  I exercised.  Actually I became both obsessive and compulsive recording what I ate, counting points and taking extra runs so I could consume more points.  I lost 40 pounds of baby making fat in three months.  Diet is a disciplined practice.

Discipline is a choice we make.   Why is it sometimes so easy and other times so hard?

My new pal, Robin, has challenged me to transform my blogging from once in a long while to a disciplined practice.  Thanks for the cuppa and the English muffin, Girlfriend!

1 comment:

  1. I bet all the weightwatchers clients in this county put together didn't have as much discipline as you did with those 40 pounds. But I hear you. I come from many generations of discipline-challenged daydreamers. But I did once ride 100 miles on my bike in a day and the training took discipline. . .
